Infernax Wiki

Unholy Abomination is a hell version of Aberration and the only variation that does not possess a weapon. They are more pale in color. Instead of having two beady eyes, they have only a single cyclopean eye, as well as a distorted grin of sharp teeth.


Instead of using a weapon like Aberrations do, Unholy Abominations charge up balls of what seems to be blood magic in their hands before throwing it at Alcedor. The ball explodes on contact with the ground, similarly to the second attack used by Mammon.

Their explosive attacks can be difficult to dodge. If you need their entry for the Demonology tome or their EXP, you can use Holy Light and Doves to attack them from a safe distance. In most cases, whenever possible, it may be advisable to simply Holy Charge past them in order to save time and resources.
