Infernax Wiki

Thunderstorm is one of the spells in Infernax. It is kept inside a chest inside Valeshire Keep, and it is required to gain access to the Stormheim Castle.


After using the spell, players will summon thunder strikes that will deal high damage around them. The spell will strikes all creatures around the player but won't reach if they are too far away outside the screen.

Very useful against swarm of enemies in one area, but not recommended against bosses as they only take half of the base damage. Mana is better spent on other spells.

The spell can be used to cause a fire in villages like Darsov, Arkos and Kastski, causing doors to any building to be closed and any civilians outside to panic. If you're in any village, it is best not to use the spell if you are going for the Good route.

The spell can be upgraded into Fire Storm Spell by buying it from Wizard in Kastski Hideout for 250 GP.

Thunderstruck Thunderstruck
It requires you to use the Thunderstorm spell and kill 5 enemies all at once. Best places would be swarm of eyes in Valeshire Keep or undeads that are outside of the Valeshire Barn, or group of enemies next to house hidden behind the crumbling bricks West of Valeshire.


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