Infernax Wiki

The Specter is a miniboss that is encountered during the quest Flood Arkos if refuse to do it for Simon Johns.


The specter flying and constantly moves towards the player. It is affected by knockback but you can be easily surrounded by them. Be cautious when fighting it.


  • There's a... dam east... of Arkos. Go... des.. troy it... now?
  • May.. be... you'll change... y..our mind...
  • I think... it l.. ooks better... this way. D.. on't you?
  • Great. C.. ome back... when done. Give you... reward...
  • Look.. at them... the s..oggy wretches! Here... your re... ward...
  • M.. any... thanks... will nev.. er... forg.. et... this... day...
  • Well then... perish.

