Infernax Wiki
Young Woman Caroline
East of here on Mount Kastka, a terrible skeleton lurks in my late mother's house. I live in fear it will one day come for me. Will you please destroy it my lord?

Skeleton Neighbor is a side quest in Infernax. Caroline of Kastski asks you to track down and vanquish a peculiar skeleton who roams her mother's house, which is located deep into Mount Kastka. How you choose to take on such a request is, of course, up to you.


As with all other Kastski-related quests, you can do it as soon as you obtain Skycall. This and Possessed Husband are the only quests with no requirements of any kind, so you don't need to worry about morality if you want to complete it. Additionally, Caroline's house will remain open throughout the night, so the time of day is no issue either. It is located right next to the mayor's house.

Find the monster east of Kastski[]

The house Caroline speaks of is located right on Mount Kastka's east end, atop a cliff. Just go east from Kastski until you meet a crossroads leading up and to the right and take the right path. You will then find yourself unable to go any further due to a large gap on the way forward. You need to cast Familiar Spell from Alan of Kastski and use it to push the lever.

Upon entering the house and reaching its end, you will meet Remus, a talking skeleton. He has apparently been living in this decrepit building for a long time and refers to it as his "abode". When he learns of Alcedor's motives, he kindly asks you not to kill him. Whether you listen to his pleas or not is up to you.

  • Slay Remus. Remus will be vanquished, and you will need to escape burning house. As well future encounter with Brutus as boss fight. Earn Doves Spell after encounter.
    +4 morality
  • Spare Remus. Remus and Brutus will venture off. When returning to Caroline, she will be dead in her home. Earn Fiend Spell after encounter.
    -5 morality

Slay Remus[]


Shortly after Remus is vanquished, a larger skeleton will notice Alcedor and promptly set the entire building on fire. You must then escape while avoiding flames and falling debris; the flames don't deal much damage, but you still should take your time to get past each obstacle if you want to be safe.

When Alcedor finally leaves the building, it will burn down and collapse before his very own eyes and be inaccessible for the rest of the playthrough.

Spare Remus[]

If you choose to spare his life instead, Remus will give you 400 GP as thanks and leave the area, together with a larger but similar-looking skeleton. The house will remain open for the rest of the playthrough, but there is nothing remaining to do there after you finish the quest.

Return to Caroline of Kastski[]

After all is well and done, you will have to go back to Kastski and turn in the quest to Caroline to receive your reward. She will hand you the gold and her thanks if you've slain Remus, but if you decided to spare him, you will enter the house only to find her dead and a strange green sludge covering the floor... wonder what that's all about?




Encounter at Kadjanto Peak[]

After completing the quest and having bought Familiar Spell there will be encounter in Kadjanto Peak, based on your decision during quest, the outcome will be different:

  • If you spared Remus then you will meet them and Brutus, they will force wizard to give you Fiend Spell as their reward to you.
  • If you slayed Remus then you will have to fight Brutus as boss fight. After killing them, you then must free wizard from cage and then he will reward you with Doves Spell.



Demonstration of how to get past the gap using Holy Charge

  • You can skip level bridge gap using few tricks:
    • You can use Holy Charge to skip the lever bridge. As you fall into the abyss, you need to reach the room transition trigger to your right before hitting the death trigger from falling; it is very easy to bump onto the underside of the cliff, so make sure to save beforehand.
    • Use a combination of Double Jump and Rocket Charge. Hit the button as you pass under the wall and then release the attack button to charge across the gap. This requires you to be using Maxime Gunn, however.
Main Saving The LandThe Necronomicon
Darsov The Red SkeletonPossessed HusbandThe BridgeReclaim The FarmDestroy The Cult
Outskirts Expel The VagabondsThe MessageUnder The StairsBattle Of Darsov
Arkos Flood ArkosPaimon ReturnsSaving WilfredSpy On The CultTohan Hideout
Tohan Hideout Silencing Of HansFirst Summoning
Kastski Underworld DreamsSkeleton NeighborProtect The RelicGather Reinforcements
Mount Kastska Hideout Destroy The RelicSecond Summoning
Kadjanto Peak Hideout Kill TancredThird Summoning