Infernax Wiki

The Shores of Upel is the first area that players get to visit at the beginning of Infernax. Area teaches players basic controls to progress through the world.

The Shores are main way to travel to the Upel by boat. If the cities such as Darsov requires goods, then ships would come through here. On the shores, you may spot old ruins of columns that have been forgotten by people. The area has been overgrown by pine trees, but citizens still have access to the docks.

See full map here with detailed images.






  • When you attempt to jump into the water pass the boat, the sailor will tell you not to do it, causing you to turn around. If you keep trying, he will start to get annoyed the more you do it until he gets fed up and walks away, thereby letting you jump into the water (and to your death).
Villages DarsovArkosKastski
Wilderness Shores of UpelDarsov ShireValeshireArkos UnderpassCombbelton CemeteryStormheim ShoreTohan PassageMount KastkaKadjanto Peak
Castles Valeshire KeepCombbelton NecropolisStormheim CastleKastka PalaceKadjanto Stronghold
Hidden Areas Sunken PalaceHidden Crypt