Infernax Wiki
Alcedor Alcedor
The prayers quell the pain of battle.

Save shrine

In Infernax, Save shrines serves as the game's save point. Players can choose to save their progress or upgrade Alcedor's stats. Choosing to save in Classic will also restore their health, mana and extra lives, while walking towards the shrine in Casual will do the same effect. Players can fast travel to shrines using the Teleport Spell.

As of update 1.04.42, while playing in either Co-op or Swap mode, players can use the shirnes to upgrade Cervul's stats as well. If either Alcedor or Cerbul are dead, choosing to save (in Classic) or walking to the shrine (in Casual) will revive that player in addition to restoring health, mana (if it's Alcedor) and extra lives of the surviving player.

The player will need to manually save, and save often, if you can. If you lose all your lives or quit the game, you will lose all the progress you've made from the last save.

Set the World Afire Set the World Afire
This requires players to corrupt all shrines. They must complete First Summoning and then save at all shrines.


Save Shrines can be used to spend XP to level up Power, Health, and Mana.

  • Power will increase character's attack by 1 for each level.
  • Health will increase character max health by 1 for each level.
  • Mana will increase character max mana by 1 for each level.
Upgrade Costs at Save Shrines
Level Power Health Mana
1 Default Default Default
2 750 XP 750 XP 750 XP
3 1750 XP 1750 XP 1750 XP
4 3500 XP 3500 XP 3500 XP
5 5000 XP 5000 XP 5000 XP
6 7500 XP 7500 XP 7500 XP
7 9999 XP 9999 XP 9999 XP


This covers locations of all save shrines not including those during the casual playthrough:


  • The shrines will change if the player finishes the First Summoning quest. Even Alcedor's dialogue when saving is changed: "I won't be praying anymore."