Sailor is unnamed character that brings Alcedor to Shores of Upel on his boat. He appears as common peasant, nothing unusual about him beside being on a boat. He will sail off after Alcedor deals with problem at Darsov and will never be meet again.
You can trigger secret dialog if attempt to drown yourself near boat. Upon trying, sailor will stop Alcedor telling him but after many attempt will not care, leave a boat and walk to the left off screen.
The Path Of The Coward[]
After killing Crucified, talking to sailor will trigger new dialogue. Sailor will ask if he and Alcedor want to leave the land because of the monster. If Alcedor response with yes then players with earn The Path of The Coward ending and Abandoned achievement.
Default |
Starting a dialogue:
Coward response |
Starting a dialogue after fighting Crucified:
Attempting to jump off into water |
First attempt response:
Second attempt response:
Third attempt response:
Fourth attempt response:
Fifth attempt response:
Sixth attempt response:
Seventh attempt response:
Last attempt response: