Infernax Wiki

Robert is the owner of the Necronomicon and leader of the cult.


Robert will always wear purple tint robes, hides his whole body beside the face and hands.


During Alcedor visit, they both will meet at the camp next to James's hut, regardless of decision during Expel The Vagabond quest he will leave to unknown location, but it presume he went to his hideout in Combbelton Cemetery.
Only next time Alcedor and Robert would meet only during Ultimate Good or Ultimate Evil path where they are either allies or enemies. Regardless in the end his fate will be death. However, there is an ending where he wins, if you choose to kneel before him. Despite being the leader of the cult, he is physically weak, and poses no true challenge as a miniboss. However, his summoning skills are powerful, he can make an army of skeletons with no ritual whatsoever, so he shows why he is the leader. Stil in the end, Robert lost and were executed by two crossbow shots into the abdomen and the skull, marking the end of the madman.

