Hans Of Darsov is self proclaimed most handsome man in Upel. He is a former cultist member.
He is wearing a green shirt and plain brown pants. He has a styling mustache and a bowl haircut that the majority of the males in Upel have.
During the Spy On The Cult quest, Alcedor will have to ask for a password to the Tohan Passage hideout from Hans. But when arriving to his house, Hans will be attacked by cultist members then saved by Alcedor and Cervul,
Alternatively, if Alcedor is a member of the cult, then they will send him instead during the Silencing Of Hans quest. Alcedor will be tasked to silence Hans... permanently. When confronted, Hans will explain that, if you allow him, he joined the cult to impress a certain lady named Gertrude, who drowned in a river while they were on a rowboat.
Based on the player's decision, he will be choked to death or live in Kadjanto Peak to hide from the cultists.
- Listening to Hans' story in its entirety during the Silencing of Hans quest will reward you with the Too Scared to Scream achievement.
- He is one of the few NPCs to have a mustacle.